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How to use and maintenance of wall clock?

To hang is 1 wall clock, clock to be flat. Regularly on foot wound, cheer to scrub on schedule. Don't put the clock in damp, soot, dust, or close to the coal stove, if not put, want to cover. Don't turn on the clock. Because the bell part of moisture or dust will rust, affect the service life of the clock and accuracy.


2 don't put the clock in too hot too cold. It's too hot, the air temperature in the clock, moisture, parts will rust. Winter day Zhong Re where more than ten degrees below zero Celsius, oil is easy to freeze in the clock parts are cold or even fall off easily. Don't put the clock in susceptible to shock, in order to avoid the pivot damaged. Don't put the wound on too fast and too tight, avoid spring break. Don't put the clock in mothballs box or cupboard, because of the volatile out of mothballs material, can make oil solidification.


3 more don't put mothballs in the clock. Don't put the clock and radio, motor and the magnet with magnetic things together, because magnetization can affect clocks of accurate as well. Clock go, or out of order, you don't understand, don't move, don't hurt to get more parts, should be sent to the watch shop repair.